Advice for Military Connected Students

Which of these 5 VR&E Employment Tracks is Right For Your Future?
The most popular track is Employment Through Long-Term Services, it's for veterans who are missing some skills necessary for employment or their disability prevents them from using those skills to secure employment.
Here are 8 Commonly Asked Questions About VR&E Answered
The name may have changed but VR&E’s goal is the same, to help veterans overcome any obstacles they may have and secure employment.

Do You Know About These 4 VA Programs?
Veteran education benefits can be confusing, especially when you aren’t sure where to start. There are additional programs, besides the GI BIll that are available to you.

A Quick Review of the Changes to the 48 Month Rule
This change is big because VR&E -- which used to count against GI Bill benefits -- doesn't count against the 48-Month Rule anymore.